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June 2022 PTSO Newsletter

Updated: Aug 9, 2022

Happy almost summer! Check out our June PTSO newsletter below! Reach out if you have any questions, suggestions, or interest in volunteering!

Don't just count the days — make the days count!

📣 Please join us tomorrow, Wednesday, June 15 at 7pm via Zoom, for the final PTSO meeting of this school year! We'll wrap up the year and review the budget. Click here for the full agenda and click here to join the Zoom meeting at 7pm tomorrow!

If you're interested to get involved with the PTSO for next year, to be part of a committee or to lead a project, you can always send us an email at! (We would also be glad to have a dedicated Treasurer!)

🎉 5th Grade Committee Update!

5th Grade Fun Day was a HUGE success! Enormous thanks to Margaux and Dave for spearheading, and to all the committee volunteers: Bekah, Jodi, Phoebe, Caitlin, Diana, Loni, and Christina! Next up: Moving Up Day on June 22!

We're looking for next year’s 5th Grade Committee volunteers! Tons of younger kids were asking if they’ll get to have a Fun Day when they are in 5th grade — let’s make that happen! If you are parent or caregiver to a 4th grader now, let us know if you’re interested to help organize next year’s 5th grade celebratory activities!

📖 Read-A-Thon Success!

Thank you to all students, families, and friends who participated in our 2022 Read-A-Thon! JVF raised a total of $3,316 in pledges, translating to over $2,600 that will go toward library media center improvements, future author visits, and more great programming next year! Special congrats to all our top reading winners — the top individual in each grade as well as the top three classes (Mrs. Tompkins', Ms. Ebeling's, and Ms. Duffy's classes)! Keep up the great reading this summer! Special thanks to our outgoing Literacy Chair Kristen Holt-Browning and Mrs. Coleman for their hard work spearheading this great initiative!

📚 Family Fun Night Recap

We had a fantastic literacy-themed Family Fun Night in May! Kids had the opportunity to write poems, listen to read-aloud stories, play theater games, and make a bookmark to take home — and everyone left with free books! Special thanks again to our Literacy Chair Kristen Holt-Browning for organizing, and to our awesome volunteers: Gwynne Watkins, Phoebe Zinman, Mrs. Coleman, Ms. Fisher, Mrs. Tompkins, Andrea Lenci-Cerchiara, Hannah Holdsworth, and student volunteers Alex and Joanna from the NJHS at Rombout!

⚽ Thank You to Our Field Day Volunteers

Thanks to Cheryl, Angela, Meg, and Loni for volunteering to help with JVF Field Days! The rescheduled sessions (from the rain last week) for 4th and 5th grade will take place this Friday! Thanks to Mr. Z for organizing and running such fun games for our kids!

🌞 Summer Academy

BCSD is excited to offer two sessions of a 2 week summer program to support continued learning of our elementary students. The program will be for students CURRENTLY in Kindergarten through 5th grade for the 2021-2022 school year. Session 1 runs July 11-21 and Session 2 runs August 1-11.

The summer academy will provide collaborative, creative and fun activities to support reading, writing, math, and extra-curricular exploration. The summer academy will run Monday through Thursday and will be housed at Beacon High School. Students that are currently in grades 1-5 will rotate through a four period schedule. Students in Kindergarten will stay with their teacher throughout the entirety of the program.

Spaces in the program will be limited and the expectation is that the student will commit to an entire two-week program; students may enroll in just one session or can enroll in both sessions. There is no cost to participate and district transportation will be provided. Breakfast and lunch will be served, at the beginning and at the end of each day.

Click here for more info and to register!

🍎 Save Free School Meals!

Universal free school meals are set to end this month — the time to take action is now! The Board Members of BCSD are advocating for two things: First, lawmakers must push through an emergency waiver extending the free universal meal program through the next school year (2022-23), and second, they must make the program permanent across the United States. You can see their statement on this issue here. And here’s a super-fast and easy tool for sending a pre-written message (which you can edit) to our Congressman, Senators, Secretaries of Agriculture and Education, VP, and President, put together by the Lower Hudson Education Coalition. Thank you for taking a moment to advocate for this important cause!

🎓 JVF Scholarship Winners

After careful review of all received applications, we awarded $500 scholarships to JVF alums / BHS seniors Chase Green and John Urban-Quezada! We know they will go on to do great things! Congratulations!

🦅 Looking Ahead!

CONGRATS to our newly elected JVF PTSO Board Officers for 2022-2023! We are so thrilled to have such a stellar slate of awesome leaders steering the PTSO next year! Thank you to all who voted, either online or in-person, and thank you to our outgoing officers Hannah, Kristen, and Jean! Our new officers are:

  • President – Andrea Lenci-Cerchiara

  • Vice President – Jaime DiTata

  • Secretary – Steven Blumenthal

  • Farm to School Chair – Katie Sheehan-Lopez

  • Fundraising Co-Chairs – Karyn McKinnon and Cheryl Silvernail

  • Teacher Support Chair – Martin Courtney

  • Gardening Chair – Jessica Jelliffe

Here's to an amazing new year ahead!


Thank you to all our wonderful JVF teachers, administrators, and staff for an awesome year! We wish all students and families a fantastic summer!


Helpful Reminders

📕 Little Free Library

The Little Free Library is a free resource for all JVF students. Remind your kids to stop by the Little Free Library, just to the left of the Kindergarten entrance, to check it out! Kids can take as many books as they wish and they don't need to be returned! Special thanks to our Literacy Chair, Kristen Holt-Browning, for spearheading this great program!

Mark the Marker Recycling Program

All year long our students and staff will be collecting used Crayola and Non-Crayola brand markers, Dry-Erase markers and Highlighters. We will ship what we collect to Crayola for free recycling! We encourage families to participate by sending in your used plastic markers from home. Look for MARK the MARKER, our collection box, located at the main entrance! Thank you for helping JVF do our part to protect the environment. Special thanks again to PTSO member extraordinaire Margaux Lange for spearheading this program!

🔖 Helpful Resources

We send out a monthly PTSO newsletter and occasional special announcements to keep everyone updated on news, events, and volunteer opportunities. Sometimes you’ll also get paper flyers sent home with your child(ren). For up-to-the-minute updates, be sure to follow the JV Forrestal PTSO Facebook page (our online bulletin board) and join the JV Forrestal PTSO Facebook discussion group (our closed discussion group.)

Not on Facebook? The JVF PTSO is also on Instagram (@jvforrestalptso) and Twitter (@JVFPTSO). On Twitter, also follow @MsSessoms and @JVFElementary.

For your reference, you'll find the JV Forrestal Student Handbook here and the BCSD Code of Conduct here. Get the latest BCSD Superintendent Blog post here.

Shop and Earn Money for JVF!

Did you know that when you shop at ShopRite or purchase Box Tops products, you can easily earn free money for JVF? Follow the links below (it’ll take 5 minutes!) to set it up and watch the rewards roll in! Thank you so much for helping our school!

ShopRite for My School: Click here to register your ShopRite card and earn money for JVF each time you shop! This program will automatically redeem any Box Tops credits you get from products you buy at ShopRite!

Box Tops for Education: For any Box Tops products you buy outside of ShopRite, you can still earn 10 cents per product for JVF! The Box Tops program has gone fully digital — download the Box Tops app and scan your receipts!


Fostering fun and creating community among JVF students, families, and staff





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