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January 2022 PTSO Newsletter

Updated: Feb 8, 2022

Check out our January PTSO newsletter — lots of good stuff to share! Reach out if you have any questions, suggestions, or interest in volunteering!

"Energy and persistence conquer all things." – Benjamin Franklin

Happy New Year and Thank You!

We are so grateful for all our supporters within the JVF community — students, families, teachers, and staff — who take part in our fundraisers, volunteer to help out, attend our meetings, and generally cheer us on! Your donations and support make all PTSO programming and initiatives possible — thank you!

We are also grateful for the continued responsive leadership of Principal Wiggins, Dr. Landahl, the Board of Education, and BCSD administrators, as well as vaccine clinic staff and volunteers, during these challenging times. As we start 2022, we wish everyone a happy and healthy new year!

Join Our PTSO Meeting Tonight at 7pm

Please join us virtually tonight (Tuesday, January 11) for our monthly PTSO meeting! We'll share updates on key initiatives and upcoming plans. Click here for the agenda and click here to join the Zoom meeting at 7:00pm!

Spirit Wear Orders Are In

Thanks to all who ordered new JVF spirit wear! Shirts are being distributed this week via students' classrooms. We also used some of our Student Equity Fund money to purchase 25 shirts for distribution, and we replenished our stockpile of shirts in anticipation of next fall's back-to-school rush. Fly high, Falcons!

Spring Literacy Plans

Our Literacy Chair Kristen Holt-Browning is spearheading some great plans for spring, including:

  • A spring book fair with Split Rock Books in Cold Spring in March, in lieu of an onsite/in-person Scholastic Book Fair

  • A school-wide read-a-thon in May (like last year)

  • Installation/building of a Little Free Library on school grounds in the spring

Anyone interested in lending a hand with any of these initiatives can email Kristen!

Got Programming Ideas?

While we have to be cautious in planning in-person gatherings for spring, we are putting our thinking caps on for fun initiatives. If you have any ideas, please email us! Here are a few things we're considering:

  • Arts assembly (thanks to Tessa Dean and Cheryl Silvernail for spearheading!)

  • Literacy events amplification (e.g., story stations in celebration of the Little Free Library launch)

  • At-home school spirit challenges

  • Springfest outdoor fun day (à la Fall Fest)

Open Invitation for PTSO Board Candidates!

It may seem early, but we're starting to think about next year's PTSO board, ahead of elections in May! If you'd like to get involved, or just have questions what the board positions entail, please get in touch! We can always create or shape a role to fit your time and interests. Thank you for stepping up to support JVF!

Helpful Reminders

📕 Book Nook

The Book Nook is a free resource for all JVF students. Remind your kids to stop by the Nook, just outside the nurse's office, to check it out! Kids can take as many books as they wish and they don't need to be returned! Special thanks to our Literacy Chair, Kristen Holt-Browning, for spearheading this great program!

Mark the Marker Recycling Program

All year long our students and staff will be collecting used Crayola and Non-Crayola brand markers, Dry-Erase markers and Highlighters. We will ship what we collect to Crayola for free recycling! We encourage families to participate by sending in your used plastic markers from home. Look for MARK the MARKER, our collection box, located at the main entrance! Thank you for helping JVF do our part to protect the environment. Special thanks again to PTSO member extraordinaire Margaux Lange for spearheading this program!

Upcoming Dates and Programs

Here are some key dates and initiatives coming up:

  • Wednesday, November 10 — Chipotle Night Fundraiser

  • Thursday, November 11 — No School, Veterans Day

  • November 22-23 — Half-Days / Parent-Teacher Conferences

  • November 24-26 — No School, Thanksgiving Recess

  • November, exact dates TBD — Spirit Wear Sale

  • December, exact dates TBD — Holiday Shop Online

🔖 Helpful Resources

We send out a monthly PTSO newsletter and occasional special announcements to keep everyone updated on news, events, and volunteer opportunities. Sometimes you’ll also get paper flyers sent home with your child(ren). For up-to-the-minute updates, be sure to follow the JV Forrestal PTSO Facebook page (our online bulletin board) and join the JV Forrestal PTSO Facebook discussion group (our closed discussion group.)

Not on Facebook? The JVF PTSO is also on Instagram (@jvforrestalptso) and Twitter (@JVFPTSO). On Twitter, also follow @MsSessoms and @JVFElementary.

For your reference, you'll find the JV Forrestal Student Handbook here and the BCSD Code of Conduct here. Get the latest BCSD Superintendent Blog post here.

Shop and Earn Money for JVF!

Did you know that when you shop at ShopRite or purchase Box Tops products, you can easily earn free money for JVF? Follow the links below (it’ll take 5 minutes!) to set it up and watch the rewards roll in! Thank you so much for helping our school!

ShopRite for My School: Click here to register your ShopRite card and earn money for JVF each time you shop! This program will automatically redeem any Box Tops credits you get from products you buy at ShopRite!

Box Tops for Education: For any Box Tops products you buy outside of ShopRite, you can still earn 10 cents per product for JVF! The Box Tops program has gone fully digital — download the Box Tops app and scan your receipts!


Fostering community among JVF families and staff




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