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Principal Wiggins's Monthly Post: April

A Monthly Post for our parents and caregivers, from Principal Wiggins

To see the deck that is updated each month, please click here: Principal's Monthly Post.

We are looking forward to having our students back 4 days a week! As a reminder, there is no school on Monday, April 5th. Students who are fully remote have received their schedules from their classroom teachers. During the month of April we recognize and celebrate Autism Acceptance Month. Information for our annual walk will be shared, please make note of the date Tues. April 27th and time 9:20 am - we will meet at the Roundhouse parking lot and head to Amity St, Liberty and follow the route to school!

As warmer weather days are ahead I am looking forward to the opportunity for classes to spend time outdoors, with that said, I am working closely with the PTSO to expand options of outdoor learning spaces for teachers and students. These spaces will be created with a focus, this year, for classes to access more comfortable options during mask breaks, enjoy outdoor reading time, or even an outdoor instructional lesson! As this effort grows, more information will be shared!

With the return of students in person 4 days/week we are back to following our 4 day cycle of Special Area classes. The cycle days, along with which Wednesdays are in person learning days, can be found on this shared BCSD Elementary Calendar: April - June 4 Day Cycle Calendar

I would like to express gratitude and appreciation to our entire school community for the role that you have played in getting our students through last school year and this year - I am so proud of the way of staff, students, and families have risen to the occasion during these difficult times that have certainly taken a toll on all of us in different ways! Our School Social Worker, Ms. Sasha Greenspan is a wonderful resource should you have a need to reach out to her, here’s a Family Support Resource List she put together and shared earlier this school year: JVF Family Support Resource List


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