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Principal Wiggins's Monthly Post: May

A Monthly Post for our parents and caregivers, from Principal Wiggins

To see the deck that is updated each month, please click here: Principal's Monthly Post.

During the month of May, JVF is excited about our learning focused on Asian American & Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage. Through the help of our Equity Team, resources have been shared with teachers for their use in the classroom related to this area of study. Additionally, during this month, all classes will, through children's literature, learn and discuss various areas of Asian and Pacific Islander culture with Mrs. Coleman's support in their Library Media time.Our Read-A-Thon fundraiser also kicks off May 10 - May 28th Here’s more info: JVF Read-A-Thon Fundraiser

On Wednesday, May 19 at 6:45pm, we will host a virtual Family Read-Aloud Night with guest author Janet Wong! Click here to read more: AAPI Virtual Read-Aloud Night A Google Meet link for the Read-Aloud will be shared as we get closer to the event. It is important that we not only celebrate other cultures but that we are also aware of how this specific focus lends itself to the recent rise in efforts to address Anti-Asian and Pacific Islander acts of hate. The US Departments of Education and Justice shared this resource for students and families: Confronting COVID-19 Related Harassment In Schools

Lastly, we also recognize that May focuses on Mental Health & Wellness, and shared last month was a list of resources for families which can be accessed here: JVF Family Support Resource List One way we are addressing Mental Health at JVF this month is by providing support to our staff through Wellness Wednesdays Walks and Breathing Exercises led by Nurse Carol and Ms. Greenspan on 5/12 and 5/19. We cannot serve from an empty vessel and recognize the importance self care plays in our overall state of wellness, especially as amplified through this pandemic!

Dates to make note of: May 12th - 5th Grade Tour at RMS, May 19th Virtual Read-A-Loud, May 28th and May 31st No School


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